Friday, June 24, 2011

LHAA and Takeoffs Construction Estimating Team With NREL on Solar Decathalon 2011

The Solar Decathlon is a competition in which students compete to design, build, and operate the most attractive, efficient, and affordable solar-powered house. The next Solar Decathlon competition will take place in the fall of 2011 and will be held in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and several other private-sector partners are sponsoring the competition. There are 20 university teams participating.

LHAA and Takeoffs Construction Estimating's primary job is to ensure that each of the competing Solar Decathlon teams’ designs is judged fairly and consistently on the basis of construction cost. 

Additionally we are advising on the architectural quality of the documentation, compiling the product directory database, coordinating discrepancies between the teams design documents and the build home, and assisting with formulation the guidelines for the affordability competition. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

White House Invites Ric Licata, FAIA

Community Leaders Briefing Series:
Ric Licata, FAIA has accepted an invitation to Nevada Day at the White House on July 22nd.  Senator Reid will also be hosting a luncheon for the participants on July 23rd.  

This summer the White House will open its doors to community leaders from around the country to take part in our Community Leaders Briefing Series.  Nevadans are invited to join top White House aides on Friday, July 22nd and to join Senator Harry Reid for lunch on Saturday, July 23rd.  

The briefing series is a unique opportunity for grassroots leaders to come to Washington to hear directly from White House officials on the issues that are affecting Nevadans and learn more about the President’s priorities and initiatives from the people that work on them every day. In return, Administration staff gets to hear what’s going on in Nevada directly from those on the ground.  

You have been invited because we’re looking for those that can bring their successes, challenges, and ideas directly to the White House to help us improve the conversation between the grassroots and Washington.
Thank you,
Megan Jones
Nevada Liaison to White House Office of Public Engagement 

Monday, June 20, 2011

DandiniWinds Turbine Deployment

It is LHAA’s vision to place the Desert Research Institute (DRI) and Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) as the wind energy flagships of the west and at the forefront of wind energy research and workforce development.

Our mission is the deployment of two utility scale wind turbines in support of TMCC and DRI education and research activities by Fall 2012.

The two turbines will be located above the campus and are projected to produce in excess of 43 million kilowatthours per year supplying approximately 33% of the DRI’s Maxey Building and 40% of the TMCC Campus’s power. Upon completion, 60% of the institutions electrical needs will be fulfilled with green energy produced on site.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Placer County Supports 8 Worlds of Tahoe

TO: Honorable Board of Supervisors
FROM: Jennifer Montgomery, Supervisor District 5
Thomas M. Miller, County Executive Officer
DATE April 12, 2011
SUBJECT: RESOLUTION - Approve a Resolution in support of the "8 Worlds of Tahoe" Geotourism project in Lake Tahoe.
APPROVED, The Placer County Board of Supervisors supports this project.
Lake Tahoe is one of the most beautiful places in the Sierras. It attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists nationally and internationally every year. People come for the multiple recreational opportunities, gaming and natural beauty of Lake Tahoe. As good stewards of the natural resources available at Lake Tahoe and concern to maintain the clarity of Lake Tahoe, the "8 Worlds of Tahoe" Geotourism collaboration project was formed. It is composed of an alliance between Sustainable Tahoe and Licata Hansen Associates Architecture (LHAA), community members, state, local and federal government agencies, associated green businesses, educational institutions and other Tahoe preservation groups.
The "8 Worlds of Tahoe" Geotourism project hosts an interlinking system of tourism in Lake Tahoe that protects the natural resources of Lake Tahoe while stimulating the local economy through educational programs and planned transportation around the area. The educational programs will change the "story" of Lake tahoe and the mindset for transportation throughout the area. The program embraces the conservative wisdom of the Native American Washoe families that inhabited the area 10,000 years ago and valued the sensitive balance that allows human beings to live in harmony with nature while maintaining the natural beauty of the area that attracts so many people who live and visit Lake Tahoe today.