As President of AIA Northern Nevada, Ric Licata successfully engaged AIA membership with national leadership through the SDAT process which led to many workshops, design charrettes and town-hall meetings. During this process AIA members were compelled to expand and share their knowledge with members of the community and local leadership on the attributes of sustainable issues as a methodology for creating livable communities. As AIA Nevada President and 150 Champion, he again engaged AIA membership in the development of the AIA Blueprint for Nevada.
The AIANN conducted a SDAT study which provided the beginnings of a regional sustainable vision and has placed our architectural community at the forefront of sustainable planning for our area. . Through the charrette process the Team developed unique perspectives and new ideas based on their experience, and what they had heard and seen. The interdisciplinary team then presented their conclusions and ideas, based on past successes. The ideas put forth were a unifying vision of an interdependent effort to preserve the quality of life in our region. The community’s awareness of the need to nurture and expand this vision, and critical role design and architects play in developing planning efforts in preserving our region was raised, through the SDAT process. The SDAT process brought tremendous media attention and public awareness of sustainable issues and the design value the architectural community provides, to a level previously unheard of. Local leaders and citizens of our area now look to the AIA, and architects, for leadership in planning and the design of a sustainable future for our region.